India to Legalize Mica Mining in Bid to Tackle Endemic Child Labor
The announcement comes nearly a year after a series of Guardian investigations into mica found that crippling poverty forces many families and their children to mine the highly prized mineral, with as many as 20,000 children believed to be working in the mines, about 90% of which are illegal.See the full article here.
Sex trafficking isn't what you think it is | Meghan Sobel | TEDxMileHighWomen
We are always seeking to raise your awareness when it comes to sex-trafficking around the world. Consistently in our research we find that complex cycles of intergenerational poverty drive sex trafficking. Secondly, demand drives sex trafficking. If we were to make a personal presentation to you, we would encourage you to have some serious conversations with the people around you. It's time we acknowledge that human trafficking is driven by social, political and economic issues. We could not agree more with what Meghan had to say in her TED talk. See the video below & share it with someone you...
Black-Market Baby Trade Flourishes in India After Adoption Law Reform
"Adoption experts say India’s tough adoption laws coupled with long waiting lists, corruption and red tape are fueling black market adoptions." Read this article here.
Breaking the Cycle of Human Trafficking in India with Education
"While hard statistics on the number of women who’ve been forced into the sex trade are hard to come by, last year the Global Slavery Index found that 18 million people were living in slavery in India. Amrita (name changed), 54, was trafficked from Andhra Pradesh, a state along the country’s southeastern coast, to Delhi when she was 13 years old. She was lured from her village by a neighbor who promised that her Bollywood crush was waiting in Delhi to marry her. But instead of finding teenage love, she spent the next 35 years working in brothels along Garstin Bastion Road." ...
2017 Superbowl
Did you know that the Super Bowl is the largest human trafficking event in the United States? While we know that human trafficking is not limited to the Super Bowl, several factors play into why human trafficking increases at large events like this. We aren't here to argue about numbers and statistics. The problem is that a statistic exists, because EVERY LIFE MATTERS. "The first thing people can do is to talk about it, because if we can raise the awareness, that is the first line of battle." #tackledemandOver 25 groups united to fight sex trafficking at the Super Bowl |...